Monthly Archives: February 2013

Trade Fairs

Posted on by Uki

So yesterday started us off at the Life in Style, Kids In Style trade fairs at the Hordern Pavilion in Sydney….we saw some of our regular suppliers and also saw some new things that we loved.  We love catching up with our regular suppliers, it’s always nice to touch base face to face and have a chat as normally ordering through them is over their website or by email or a quick phone call. All of the stalls looked amazing.  We love Huckleberry Lane and are excited to annouce we will be stocking some of their beautiful winter sleepwear shortly and we will go up to size 3 to see what the interest is. If we have people wanting bigger sizes we can expand it.  Another new stall we saw was Elephant in the Trunk, 2 best friends started the business and their designs on kids plate sets were so funky that we had to order some.

And the ever lovely Lauren Hinkley was there – we have been a customer of Lauren’s for years and we always have a good laugh.  Also Fram from Tres Divin who has the most divine ribbons was there for a catch up as well.

We will hit the other 2 fairs over the weekend so will have more to report.    Here is the Lauren Hinkley stand below – just gorgeous!

Have a great weekend

Liz & Jane

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Hospital Etiquette

Posted on by Uki

I had a friend recently who had a baby (her second) and and she is the type of woman that is unflappable, really easy going but when I went to visit her (on day 3 after the baby was born) she was telling me about the 24 hours after her son’s birth.  Her son was born at around 3am so she was taken back to her room about 7am, her husband sent the obligatory text detailing their son’s birth after calling all close family.  Grandparents from both sides came to visit around 9am but what really got my friend upset was that a friend from her husband’s work (with his wife and 2 small kids) came to the hospital about 4pm.  They stayed for an hour (while other closer family, being siblings of the new parents came to visit).  Now this friend was a mate from work but not one my friend had ever met (she had heard about him and knew her husband was friendly with him) but not that friendly to warrant a visit with 24 hours of having a baby.  My friend was so tired and also not looking her best especially to meet new people and really wanted to concentrate on her siblings that had come to meet their new nephew but felt like she had to “entertain” their new visitors.

So this got me thinking, I guess there really is hospital etiquette which I guess differs for everybody.  I know when I had my child, we had family on the first day (and I am one of 5 kids and my husband one of 4 kids) so we had a lot of family coming through then friends on day 2 and day 3.  By the time I got to day 4 I was exhausted so I got my husband to call friends that we knew were coming to say maybe visit at home which was fine.

Alwasy remember what you would want when going to visit a friend in hospital soon after giving birth and remember most new mums stay in hospital for 4-5 days so there is plenty of time to visit so you don’t need to rush it.

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