Monthly Archives: January 2014

Baby Hampers 2014

Posted on by Uki

Welcome everyone!

We have been quiet on our blog of late, but that is all about to change!  We will be bringing you constant hamper updates and general baby information regularly so make sure you stay tuned..

We had a lovely Christmas and New Year break – we even snuck in a holiday up the coast (together, yes we work and holiday together!).  We had a great time and the kids just loved it.  We are back into it now and have been really busy this past week or so getting together some more summer baby hampers and gearing up for the gift fairs in a couple of weeks.  We will keep you posted on what we find at the gift fairs

We have been busy this week getting ready for a photo shoot for our new hampers so can’t wait to show you what we have got.

Here is a snap shot of our holiday – we were up at Port Stephens but it looks like we were in the Whitsundays!

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