Winter is around the corner

Posted on by Uki

It’s a bit cooler today in Sydney and the its raining which is a shame as it’s the last day of Summer….was hoping we could go out with a bang! We have turned our attentions to Winter also here at BBHQ with all of our winter stock arriving we have been busy organising our Winter 14 hampers and trust us, they are gorgeous. We have had Milky, Marquise, Purebaby stock come through HQ and also new toys from Alimrose. Our baby hampers will be the pick for this winter…here are a couple of the rompers that arrived this week

milky winter 14 girls Winter is around the corner Winter is around the corner milky winter 14 girls

Milky winter 14 boys Winter is around the corner Winter is around the corner Milky winter 14 boys